According to the star callendar, the winter started last week. So this is the first airsoft game I had this winter. :)
Since I have my mG36 at home, I decided to use this replica. My AK47 was broken the other day, and my MP5K PDW is used by my girlfriend. So this left me only one replica to use - the mG36. :)
The game was rather boring. The guys there had more fun with showing off who whas the best stuff than actualy using the stuff. This is quite popular amongst the airsoft players who can afford to buy an expensive replica. In polish conditions, Classic Army replica that does cost PLN 1,300 ($520) is an expensive one, since average salary in Poland last year was around PLN 2,650 ($1,050). People that own cheap pump-action replicas are often very young and enjoy the airsoft games because of the action they may have...
The game took place in a very interesting place that I had never visited before. It is located near Nadarzyn, a town 20 km (15 mi) from Warsaw. The place was used by polish army, I heard that by some anti-aircraft protection squad. I tried to find some photos to show you, but found only these two galleries, made by an ASG team I am very familiar with - the Cannon Fodder. So here they are. :) If you'd like to see how the place looks on satellite photograph, you can see it below.
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Oh, you probably will be interested in some photos made last sunday. I must disappoint you a little, because I decided to show only one, not very intersting, photograph. Photo of me, holding my mG36 replica. I am sorry, but we couldn't get any better photos that day. :(
From Airsoft from ... |
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