My replicas

MP5K PDW, Tokyo Marui, stock [operational].
mG36E, Classic Army, 400 fps, [operational].
Steyr AUG, Classic Army, 400 fps, [operational].
AK47S, Cyma, stock [broken stock, but operational].

Scoped M15 A2 Rifle, 380 fps, Classic Army.
M24, Classic Army, 510 fps.

November 23, 2007

The game in Kamion, nov. 11th

I had no time to write here about the last game I attended. Since last saturday I am ill and have to stay in bed. Of course I use the computer every now and then, but that's not enough time to write a new blog post.

There was 25 people at the game, some 8 of them young, less than 15 or 14 y.o. But since it was only couple of them for each team, it wasn't very disturbing.

The game took place at a place with two deserted buildings, grass and some other plants and stuff. Nothing very interesting, but it was small enough for fast game rounds.

I used, as usual lately, the AK 47s. My girlfriend played with MP5K PDW.

Here's a photo of me, proud with 4 kills in one round.

That's the new sight on PDW, in my girlfriend's hands.

One thing more: a movie made that day. Nothing very interesting, but photos and videos are always better than my poor english language. ;) The guy who posted it on YouTube doesn't allow it to be embedded, so you have to watch it on your own. ;)

Comments are always welcome. ;)

0 komentarze:

Krzysztof Lis said...

Come on... Is this post really so uninteresting that noone has anything to comment? ;p