My replicas

MP5K PDW, Tokyo Marui, stock [operational].
mG36E, Classic Army, 400 fps, [operational].
Steyr AUG, Classic Army, 400 fps, [operational].
AK47S, Cyma, stock [broken stock, but operational].

Scoped M15 A2 Rifle, 380 fps, Classic Army.
M24, Classic Army, 510 fps.

November 2, 2007

Old Shamo movie

This is an old Shamo movie, made couple years ago. If I got my database right, it was shot on september 14th, 2004. It was shot by Ziutek and later cut into pieces and put together by Mamut.

At that time I still had my first AEG replica - the MP5 SD3 and wore my BDU in urban camo. This way I am easily recognized in the video.

Few words about what you can see in the movie. It was shot in the Halinka.
The second scene (running) starts at one end of the Columns place. After that you see a group of people running, this was taken from inside the two story "office" building inside. You can see how vast is the building, stock replicas couldn't hit those people. One of the following scenes show the "office" as seen from above (the red brick building with no glass in windows with yellow metal pylons next to its wall), from the room that was placed highest in the building.
You can see me climbing on the pylon to get to the first floor. To be honest that was the first time I climbed, I was too afraid that if I got shot I'd be scared and do something stupid like letting go and falling down. Later, after the movie was made, I tried it once or twice. But I wasn't the bravest one -- one of the girls that played with us for some time climbed once to the second floor. :)

And that's about it. The rest of the movie is very dark, because the camera was cheap and there was not much light at the time we made the movie. :)

Comments welcome! :)

0 komentarze:

Krzysztof Lis said...

Come on... Is this post really so uninteresting that noone has anything to comment? ;p